
Time to show off your woven patches: here’s how to sew on a patch by hand

Patches are a great way to add personality to your clothing. They can customize a piece or simply hide imperfections like stains or holes.&nbs...

Reasons to choose woven patches over embroidered ones (and vice versa)

Did you know patches rose to prominence in the fashion industry during the 1960s? Historically, patches served as a method of expressing identity a...

Tips for establishing brand identity in your clothing line

46% of consumers will pay more for products from trusted brands when compared to similar products. If you want to create a competitive clothin...

Personalized Gifts That Make a Meaningful Statement

People have been giving each other gifts since before the dawn of civilization. The first gifts were likely food or tools that cave people gave to ...

The Different Styles and Uses of Custom Woven Labels

The devil, as they say, is in the details. Nothing could be more true when it comes to making your mark in the world of fashion. Flourishes of flar...

10 Tips for Using a Woven Ribbon to Promote Your Brand

Did you know that most small businesses are less than a decade old? Starting a business is tough, but one of the hardest parts is earning steady br...